
Leveling up an iconic brand for the connected world.


We helped give Linksys a voice to match the early Wi-Fi  innovator’s premium products and class-leading technologies.


As newcomers and tech giants moved into the space, the time came for Linksys to reclaim its position in the upper reaches of the category. We helped develop the Linksys brand strategy and product innovation strategy called the Life Lab, where every product goes through real-world testing. And we told this story through films and performance marketing campaigns at a critical time in the brand’s history.


Central to this idea is the notion that connection is inherently human. So the campaign avoids the usual pitfalls of gig-speed statistics, ping scores and latency rates, and replaces industry jargon with real life human benefits.


Director: Harvey Eaton
Production Co: Nice Shirt – London
ECD: Steve Simoncic
Digital: Eddie Bastos
